Wednesday, February 20, 2013


I can't wait until winter is over.  I've never been a winter person.  You'll never see me out on the slopes or ice skating on the lake.  Winter makes me want to stay inside and keep myself warm, instead of going out there for a walk, or something like that.  When I am inside, I am tempted more than if I am outside.  There was some chocolate involved, and even though I had a moratorium against chocolate on Valentines Day, my husband still got me a little.  I didn't share it with the kids, and it is gone now (so it never happened?).

Speaking of the cold, I have to admit that I admire those people who go out walking in 10 degree weather.  I saw one yesterday.  She was dressed in a hat, gloves, jacket and sneakers.  She must be dedicated, because she looked like she was having a horrible time fighting the wind with her red face.  She reminded me of Tom Coughlin (NY Giants head coach) at that NFC Championship against the Packers.  Like his, her face was practically blue.  


But, she's in shape...

I guess that is the moral of the story here.  If you are determined to reach a goal, do not let anything get in your way.  

There will be bumps in the road, and if you fall off the wagon, make sure that you get back upon it to continue your journey until you reach your final destination.  

That advice is for myself as well.  After another vacation, I'm back on track now.

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